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Check out these links that may be of interest!

St. John's Facebook Page 


St. John's YouTube Channel 



Cross Trails Ministry -- site for Camp Chrysalis and Ebert Ranch -- students can start attending summer camp at the end of 2nd grade.


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America -- the official site of our denomination.


Youth Gathering -- youth gathering information.


The Lutheran -- the official publication of the ELCA.


Gather Magazine -- the magazine of the women of the ELCA.


Lutheran Men in Mission -- website for men in mission.


Lutheran World Relief -- Assisting the needy throughout the world.


Southwestern Texas Synod -- The synod of our region.


Soul Cafe -- Connecting fellow disciples with one another and with helpful resources.


Thrivent Financial for Lutherans --  Financial services for Lutherans.


Texas Lutheran University -- Undergraduate University affiliated with the ELCA.


Augsburg Fortress -- Publishing arm of the ELCA.


Lutheran Social Services of the South -- Helping children, the poor, and the elderly.


Corpus Christi Metro Ministries -- Local ministry helping the poor and homeless.


KLove -- National contemporary Christian music radio network.


KBNJ -- Local contemporary Christian music station.




Note: If any links are broken, please feel free to let us know in the "Contact" section. Thank you!



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